Earth-Friendly Crop May Change Agriculture For The Better
News outlet Newsy explores Kernza® and talks to plant breeder Lee DeHaan. WATCH VIDEO
News outlet Newsy explores Kernza® and talks to plant breeder Lee DeHaan. WATCH VIDEO
Sustainable Baker host Caroline Saunders investigates, talking with Dr. Tessa Peters of The Land Institute. And she shares a recipe for perennial-grown Kernza bread.
Scientists hope this new kind of perennial grain Kernza offers a taste of what environmentally friendly farming could look like. Read the interactive article here by The Washington Post. Or click here for a pdf version.
Whole Foods Market included Kernza in their top 10 food trends for 2022, saying “grocery grains are refocusing on the environment in 2022. We’re talking grains grown via agriculture practices and farming processes that help address soil health. Kernza® — a perennial grain developed by The Land Institute with a sweet, nutty flavor and long … Continue reading Grains That Give Back – Kernza Makes Whole Foods Top 10 Food Trends for 2022
Sustainability outlet Treehugger reports on the new cereal from Cascadian Farm made with “Climate Smart” Kernza® perennial grain, that’s available at Whole Foods Markets.
Patagonia Provisions, in partnership with Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB) in Portland, OR, has just released Patagonia Provisions Long Root IPA, a traditional West Coast style IPA made with organic ingredients and Kernza® perennial grain. Looking for solutions to repair our food systems, this third release in Patagonia Provisions’ lineup of beers represents another step towards … Continue reading Patagonia Provisions and Hopworks Partner on Kernza® Long Root IPA Beer
Summer of 2021 the USDA solicited comments on advancing racial justice and equity within their programs. Kernza®CAP authored a comment (signed by four other CAPs across the country) on how CAP application process can support projects that will meaningfully support racial equity. You can read our comment here.
MPR News reports on the emerging market for earth-friendly Kernza perennial grain. The largest crop yet of Kernza was recently harvested. Research shows Kernza improves water quality by reducing fertilizer pollution of water, and it can efficiently store carbon in the soil, helping reduce carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas.
A new report from Pioneer PBS on the newly formed Perennial Promise Growers Cooperative, who has an eye towards marketing perennial crops — Kernza®, a perennial grain, to start — that also provide ecosystem services.
The Agriculture Marketing Service of USDA issued a request for comment on Supply Chains for the Production of Agricultural Commodities and Food Products. The Land Institute and its collaborators submitted a comment, which can be found here.