Kernza® a Disrupter for a Good Cause
Kernza® is listed as one of the “Five Ingredients Disrupting the Mainstream Food World” by the New Hope Network’s Todd Runestad. This intermediate wheatgrass with a sweet, nutty taste is called “the face of regenerative agriculture”. The five listed ingredients are feeding a consumer desire not just for better taste but for better health for … Continue reading Kernza® a Disrupter for a Good Cause
Journey from Prairie Grass to Food
Madeline Ostrander writes in The Nation that Kernza® is “The Grain that Tastes Like Wheat, but Grows Like a Prairie Grass.” From obtaining seed samples from The Rodale Institute, to the breeding efforts of Lee DeHaan with Thinopyrum intermedium, to food use by early adopters such as the Birchwood Café, Madeline traces the history leading … Continue reading Journey from Prairie Grass to Food
Breeding for a Perennial Polyculture
BioScience magazine asked if modern agriculture could be sustainable and answered “Perennial polyculture holds promise”. Through conversations with Lee DeHaan and other staff and research partners, The Land Institute demonstrates how domesticating wild species, as it did with Kernza®, and crossbreeding perennials with annuals will lead to grains that are more climate change resistant, better … Continue reading Breeding for a Perennial Polyculture
Kernza® a Craft Beer Ingredient
When Patagonia Provisions first released craft beer Long Root Ale, Kernza® was touted as the sustainable secret ingredient that they wanted to let everyone know about. Long Root Ale is not available everywhere yet, but as interest in and demand for the grain grows, we hope to see more locations beyond the West Coast selling … Continue reading Kernza® a Craft Beer Ingredient
Kernza®: It’s What’s for Dinner
Chefs, brewers, and food makers, both independent and corporate are stepping up to try incorporating Kernza® into their food products. The Washington Post author Jane Black says this tasty new grain is not only a sustainable choice but soon it may be what’s for dinner.
A Soil-Friendly Guide for Cooks
Anthony Myint and Karen Liebowitz, founders of San Francisco restaurant, The Perennial, have published a healthy soil guide for chefs and cooks on how they can play a role in promoting healthy soils and climate solutions. When they opened their own sustainable restaurant, Kernza® was one of the ingredients. In a Civil Eats article by … Continue reading A Soil-Friendly Guide for Cooks