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Category: Media

Scientists look to wheatgrass to save dryland farming and capture carbon


Environmental news outlet Mongabay report – Kernza, intermediate wheatgrass bred by the Land Institute, is being planted in eastern Wyoming, where researchers from the University of Wyoming are uncovering whether the crop can help farmers stabilize and bolster their soils, while providing a profitable crop.

Introducing crops that benefit the land in the Upper Midwest


Popular food podcast, hosted by Evan Kleiman, interviews cookbook author Beth Dooley as she advocates for crops that are nutritious and can regenerate the landscape, including her recipe for cookies made with kernza flour, a grain that is new to market and was in development for 40 years.

Intermediate wheatgrass returns fields to grass-like prairies of long ago


Report from Minnesota Farm Guide details how a group of farm visionaries hopes to return a portion of the Great Plains to its former vegetation-covered glory through planting perennial crops. Guided by well-known Lac qui Parle County farmer and leader Carmen Fernholz, a dozen or more organizations are asking farmers to consider planting Kernza®, the first … Continue reading Intermediate wheatgrass returns fields to grass-like prairies of long ago

Can we drink our way to a healthier planet?


Long Root Pale Ale, a beer brewed with Kernza® perennial grain is featured in an article from Grist Magainze. To learn more about spent grain, sustainable spirits, and Kernza® beer, read the full article here: Can we drink our way to a healthier planet?

The Land Institute Awarded International Food Planet Prize


This week, the Curt Bergfors Foundation announced The Land Institute has been awarded the $1 million Food Planet Prize for efforts to reshape the food system. The Foundation awarded a total of $4 million to four prize winners. The Food Planet Prize recognizes initiatives, organizations and individuals working to secure the world’s food supply while fostering a … Continue reading The Land Institute Awarded International Food Planet Prize

Old Ag, New Crops


IDEO has a new podcast entitled Food x Design and Kernza® perennial grain is featured. From the podcast host Sandeep Pahuja, this episode explores “Indigenous farming practices, ancient grains, and how regenerative farming might just show up on your plate or in your grocery cart.” Listen to the episode: “Old Ag, New Crops” to learn … Continue reading Old Ag, New Crops

Can the Climate-Friendly Grain Kernza® Finally Hit the Big Time?

Kernza® CAP Media, Media

Many collaborators along the supply chain work together to move Kernza® perennial grain forward. Most recently, a coalition of researchers, farmers, educators, industry leaders, policy experts, and climate scientists was awarded a grant through USDA NIFA’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative’s Sustainable Agricultural Systems program to scale the research, production, awareness and commercialization of Kernza®. … Continue reading Can the Climate-Friendly Grain Kernza® Finally Hit the Big Time?

Can the Climate-Friendly Grain Kernza® Finally Hit the Big Time?


Many collaborators along the supply chain work together to move Kernza® perennial grain forward. Most recently, a coalition of researchers, farmers, educators, industry leaders, policy experts, and climate scientists was awarded a grant through USDA NIFA’s Agriculture and Food Research Initiative’s Sustainable Agricultural Systems program to scale the research, production, awareness and commercialization of Kernza®. … Continue reading Can the Climate-Friendly Grain Kernza® Finally Hit the Big Time?