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Category: Recipe Roundup

Meet the Minnesota Makers Series Places Spotlight on State’s Kernza Community

Media, Recipe Roundup

In a two-month series bringing attention to sustainability-focused businesses across the state of Minnesota, Michelle Sharp, Founder of Meet the Minnesota Makers, spotlighted several members of the Kernza® perennial grain community. Stories from this series cover this network’s work in food innovation, local sourcing, environmental stewardship, and more. Read the stories below to learn more … Continue reading Meet the Minnesota Makers Series Places Spotlight on State’s Kernza Community

Kernza® in the Kitchen

Product Highlight, Recipe Roundup

The Sustainable Farming Association (SFA) created a video for educators and anyone curious about cooking with Kernza® with guest Chef Beth Dooley, author of The Perennial Kitchen. In this video, Beth cooks several dishes made with Kernza and discusses the perennial grain’s versatility, flavor profile, and the health benefits of adding perennials to home kitchens … Continue reading Kernza® in the Kitchen

Kernza® Baking Quality Analysis

Recipe Roundup, Research Roundup

Click here to see a baking quality analysis on Kernza® grain. This analysis was conducted by Linda Dykes, Ph.D, a Food Technologist at the United States Department of Agriculture.   Linda Dykes, Ph.D. Food Technologist United States Department of Agriculture Research, Education, and Economics Mission Area Agricultural Research Service Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center … Continue reading Kernza® Baking Quality Analysis

Clean Water Kitchen with Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance

Kernza® at work, Recipe Roundup

As more Kernza® products become available, cooks and bakers are trying out new recipes with their communities. In May, the Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance (LPLA) staff celebrated a “Clean Water Kitchen Challenge.” Participants bought Kernza, experimented with recipes, and shared their experience. Click here to find delicious Kernza® recipes and read more about the challenge … Continue reading Clean Water Kitchen with Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance

Cooking with Kernza<sup>®</sup> – A Citizen Science Opportunity

Event, Product Highlight, Recipe Roundup

If you missed your chance to purchase Kernza® flour at Prairie Festival, Perennial Pantry is excited to announce the first Kernza® flour available for use by home bakers on sale for pre-order (shipping in August)!   To grow as a new food crop, Kernza® perennial grain needs ongoing research and development. Through a partnership with The … Continue reading Cooking with Kernza® – A Citizen Science Opportunity

Forever Green, Fried Chicken and Flexibility

Recipe Roundup

Hosting field days to showcase the latest crop research has long been an outreach and education tool for researchers and educators. The University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative (FGI) is no exception, having hosted a number of events through the years featuring Kernza®, pennycress, hazelnuts, and winter camelina. However, the advent of COVID-19 and restrictions … Continue reading Forever Green, Fried Chicken and Flexibility

Cooking with Kernza<sup>®</sup>

Recipe Roundup

The Birchwood Café in Minneapolis was one of the first restaurants to put Kernza® on their menu. Beth Dooley, a local chef and author, helped Birchwood develop several recipes using the perennial grain. She showed PBS NewsHour Weekend how to make her Kernza pancakes.

A Soil-Friendly Guide for Cooks

Kernza® at work, Product Highlight, Recipe Roundup

Anthony Myint and Karen Liebowitz, founders of San Francisco restaurant, The Perennial, have published a healthy soil guide for chefs and cooks on how they can play a role in promoting healthy soils and climate solutions. When they opened their own sustainable restaurant, Kernza® was one of the ingredients. In a Civil Eats article by … Continue reading A Soil-Friendly Guide for Cooks