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Perennial Percent

Promoting Perennial Ingredients for a More Sustainable Tomorrow

Perennial Percent™ is the world’s first and only program for perennial grain food and beverage products and ingredients.

The initiative empowers food and beverage makers to include perennial grains in their products and differentiate them in the marketplace. Clear and concise labeling helps consumers positively impact the climate through their purchasing choices.

Join the global movement to realize perennial food and agriculture at a scale today with Perennial Percent™!

Perennial Percent™ is the world’s first and only program for perennial grain food products and ingredients. Launched by Bang Brewing and taken up by a collaborative group committed to food systems transformation, the Perennial Percent Mark empowers consumers to help keep soil in place and reduce carbon emissions through their purchasing choices.

Why join the Perennial Percent movement?

  • You will be among the first businesses to adopt this landmark label.
  • The Perennial Percent label differentiates your products.
  • Perennial Percent informs and educates consumers about perennial grain products and benefits.
  • The Perennial Percent label allows you to customize your packaging and promotions to reflect the perennial grain ingredients percentage in your products.


What are perennial grains?

Perennial grains are long-lived alternatives to major grains like barley, lentils, and sunflower seeds.

Perennial grains allow farmers to plant once and harvest a crop for three years or more without replanting. These crops’ longevity and deep root systems build healthy soil and protect it from erosion. They also better utilize water, foster biodiversity, remove carbon from the air, and more.

Click here to learn more about perennial grains.

Which perennial grains qualify for Perennial Percent?

Kernza is the only perennial grain crop eligible for Perennial Percent registration at this time.

How can I find Perennial Percent products and participating businesses?

Search for participating Perennial Percent businesses on the Network Page.

How do Kernza Makers enroll in Perennial Percent?

To use the Perennial Percent™ trademark, makers must have been awarded certification by The Land Institute and must have paid applicable program fees. (Apply here.)

  • The application link is coming soon. In the meantime, please contact us through the Perennial Percent inquiry form.
  • If the application link becomes available while we are working with you on this process, we will let you know!

What are the Perennial Percent certification types?

  • There are two types of Perennial Percent certifications: “Ingredient” and “Product.”
  • ≥95% Perennial grain by weight Perennial grain ingredient 
    • Input(s) originally produced by a herbaceous perennial plant including Kernza® perennial grain and perennial Baki™ bean. Other perennial grains are not approved through Perennial Percent™ at this time. All ingredients must meet Identity Preserved Program standards and meet audit criteria developed and implemented by The Land Institute. Perennial Percent Ingredients may be consumer facing goods or used in Perennial Percent Products or Minimal Content Perennial Percent Products assuming compliance with requirements of the Standard. Perennial Ingredients shall be composed of an aggregate of ≥95% perennial input. They may comprise multiple Inputs as long as it meets the criteria of ≥95%. 
  • ≥1% Perennial grain input by weight Product containing perennial grain ingredient 
    • Includes, but is not limited to, a food, menu item, beverage, dietary supplement, companion pet food, cosmetic, personal care, or household cleaning product that includes Inputs and is intended for human use/ consumption. Products shall include Inputs and meet the criteria set forth within this Standard and are certified as such, and shall be composed of an aggregate of ≥1% perennial grain or meet the tonnage diverted threshold. Single or multi-component Inputs may be used.

What other perennial crops does Perennial Percent include?

Perennial Percent only includes Kernza® perennial grain. Perennial Baki™ bean is coming soon.

Are there labeling requirements for the use of Perennial Percent?

  • Yes. Brands can procure high-resolution files of the Perennial Percent trademarks from The Land Institute for use in their marketing materials, presentations, and packaging once the trademark is approved. Only the specific ingredients, products, and/or menu items listed on the brand’s Perennial Percent Program Certificate will be permitted to use these Marks. Any special requests or questions regarding using these Marks should be submitted in writing to The Land Institute representative.
  • Digital design proofs for all packaging and promotions must be submitted to The Land Institute for approval. The length of the approval process will vary on a case-by-case basis. All compliance questions should be directed to The Land Institute. All marketing materials, including, but not limited to, social media, public statements, or printed materials, may be subject to review and surveillance.

Who do I reach out to if I am interested in Perennial Percent?

If you would like to know more about Perennial Percent, would like to apply to participate in the Perennial Percent program, or need a Brand Guide, please reach out to us via this form.


Kernza® Identity Preserved Program Guidelines