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Regions: Midwest

Interview with Perennial Pantry

Network Profile

An Interview with Christopher Abbott and Brian Hedberg, Co-founders of Perennial Pantry This interview is part of a series which highlights the work of various individuals and organizations within the Kernza® network. Through these interviews, we aim to share and celebrate that there is a large and ever-changing ecosystem that moves Kernza® perennial grain forward. … Continue reading Interview with Perennial Pantry

Kernza<sup>®</sup> for Clean Waters

Kernza® at work, Media

A new report released by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture emphasizes the importance of vegetative cover for decreasing nitrate in waterways. Kernza® is one of many crops that has been shown to cut nitrate leaching into groundwater, according to a summary of the report published by the Star Tribune. Vegetative cover and perennials with long root … Continue reading Kernza® for Clean Waters

University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative tools for 2020 Kernza<sup>®</sup> harvest

Kernza® at work

The University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative has been helping coordinate harvest protocols for MN growers in four cluster areas and have produced a series of resources for growers in MN and the Upper Midwest. A comprehensive collection of information for growers can be found here. They have also produced documents outlining protocols and best … Continue reading University of Minnesota – Forever Green Initiative tools for 2020 Kernza® harvest

Forever Green, Fried Chicken and Flexibility

Recipe Roundup

Hosting field days to showcase the latest crop research has long been an outreach and education tool for researchers and educators. The University of Minnesota Forever Green Initiative (FGI) is no exception, having hosted a number of events through the years featuring Kernza®, pennycress, hazelnuts, and winter camelina. However, the advent of COVID-19 and restrictions … Continue reading Forever Green, Fried Chicken and Flexibility

Guest Post: Carmen Fernholz – A Farmer’s Perspective on Growing Kernza<sup>®</sup>

Network Profile

Growing Kernza® is a new venture for farmers in many ways. New crop, new rotation, and perhaps a new way to market. It has the potential to change farming, to change agriculture, to change the landscape. And we can do it with very limited alterations to our most common farming practices As the knowledge and … Continue reading Guest Post: Carmen Fernholz – A Farmer’s Perspective on Growing Kernza®

A First for Kernza<sup>®</sup> Processing

Network Profile

Another commercial first for our perennial crops: a grain processing company has assembled a production line specifically for food-grade cleaning and de-hulling of Kernza® grain. Healthy Food Ingredients opened the line early last year at its plant in Valley City, North Dakota, and has handled almost 50,000 pounds of Kernza® from farms in the Upper … Continue reading A First for Kernza® Processing

Perennial Progress at University of Minnesota

Research Roundup

The University of Minnesota (UMN) Forever Green Initiative (FGI) achieved a milestone in 2019 with the release of the first official KernzaⓇ variety, named MN-Clearwater. UMN FGI is pleased to be an international leader along with The Land Institute and others in KernzaⓇ research and early commercialization efforts. Continuing progress, on February 13, 2020, FGI … Continue reading Perennial Progress at University of Minnesota

Kernza<sup>®</sup> Keeps Water Clean

Kernza® at work

Two years ago, Chatfield, MN, planted 11 acres of Kernza® near the city’s drinking water wells as part of a wellhead protection plan. The deep roots of Kernza® help take up excess nitrates from agricultural runoff and as it is a perennial staying in the ground, it is able to keep nitrate levels of drinking … Continue reading Kernza® Keeps Water Clean